Netsh Pop-Up and How to Fix It

Notice: These events are based on the problems I experience with my own personal computer. The instructions below are not to be considered the cure all for this problem. This is a list of steps I used to fix my computer system from the netsh.exe pop-up. Your situation may be similar, but different. If all else fails, consult a professional computer technician.

If you are one of those who have been trying to fix the annoying netsh.exe pop-up, this may help.

I am running Windows XP Pro and I first encountered this problem around the first week of July 2007. I don’t know if these two are related to the problem, but I downloaded and install the Windows Service Pack 3.

My antivirus program is CA Antivirus 2009 and I have Network Magic installed.

I searched online to find out what in the world was netsh.exe. Was it a virus? No, it is not! Netsh.exe is part of Windows XP files.

Now, let us put this all together!

The problem:

CA quarantines the netsh.exe file as a virus. [False positive reading from the CA antivirus program.]

When CA removed the netsh.exe file, Network Magic file nmctxth.exe was looking for this file and didn’t see it for its operation.

The result was the annoying netsh.exe pop-up.

I did a search on my computer and sure enough the netsh.exe was missing.

The solution:

Get the netsh.exe file back to its original location. Since CA removed it, I just had to tell it to put it back.

Note: I checked a computer that did not have this problem and here are the locations of the netsh.exe file.

Here are the steps on how I got CA to restore my netsh.exe.

1. I located my CA Antivirus program by going to my Start button and clicking on it; which brings up the menu and the button for my CA Antivirus.

Now, your computer my not have it in the same location. From the Start button, you may have to click on the All Programs tap to location it. If you can’t find it there, you should be able to click on My Computer, go to your C: drive, go to your Program Files folder and open it, go to the CA folder and open it, go to the CA Internet Security Suite folder and open it, go to CA Anti-Virus folder and open it, locate the caav icon. Double click on it.

2. Click on the Quarantine button, which will show you all the files CA quarantined. There were two netsh.exe locations on my system.

3. Click on the first netsh.exe file in the list to highlight it.

4. With the file highlighted, click on the Restore tap. This process will restore or place your netsh.exe file back to its original location. You should get a message stating your file has been restored.

5. Repeat this process with the remaining netsh.exe files.

6. You may also get a note with a box instructing CA not to try and quarantine this file again. If so, check that box to prevent CA from quarantining the file again. Close your CA antivirus window.

This process should take care of your netsh.exe pop-up, it did minds.

If you know of anyone with this type of problem, send him or her this eBook.

Thank you for your time and I hope it helps.

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